Real Blackseed is grinded and dried for days, and then it's soaked in the honey for 40 days. It is then strained to remove the large particles. It still contain small particles of blackseed in the honey. Make sure to stir slowly than eat, because blackseed will float to the top. Enjoy ☺️
حبة البركة(قزحة) تُطحن ثم تُنَشَف لأيام، ثُم تُضاف الى العسل و تُخَمَر لما يُقارب الأربعين يوم، ثُم تُصفى لنُخرج منها الحجم الكبير من حُبيبات حبة البركة، و يبقى الكثير من حبة البركة المطحونة صغيراً. لأن حبة البركة تطفو على وجه العسل، نرجو ان تخلط بملعقة خشبية ان أمكن قبل الاستعمال. نسأل الله لكم العافية بكل قطرة
What is a blackseed!? Blackseed is an ancient herb, been used as medicine and food spice in the Arabian peninsula for thousands of years. It got confirmed and popular around the Muslim world over 1400 years ago after the prophet Muhammad Pbuh said in an authentic saying, "Black seed has healing in it for every illness but not for death." Since then people are faithfully believing in its benefits and healing miracles. Many studies prove health benefits in the blackseed especially grinded blackseed mixed with honey. At Wisal's Bees and out of belief in the healing miracles, we made sure to grind the finest blackseed and mix it with the our own fresh pure, raw local honey and make it easy and accessible for everyone.
We Ask the Lord to make cure, wellness & happiness in every drop you consume.